The GIOF Annual Meeting became the third annual event to bring together over 75 of the world’s leading diversity and inclusion executives, HR consultants, and DEI activists alongside business owners and managers looking for ways to make their businesses more inclusive and, consequently, more profitable and successful.
Through a series of panel talks, keynotes, presentations, and case studies, we advanced over 2,700 participants’ knowledge of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility standards, as well as inspired them with new ideas and shared the most innovative approaches to inclusion.
Spot-on quotes, insightful pieces of advice and much more — take a look at how it was in 2022
Among our speakers were:
Randall Tucker Mastercard
Bianca Prins ING Bank
Jessica Rice Under Armour
Laura Agharkar Nasdaq
Busi Sizani Deliveroo
Pamay Bassey The Kraft Heinz Company
Dr. Yetta Toliver Xerox Corporation
Ruben Alejandro Ramirez Syngenta Group
Michelle Charles SAP
Roberto Lopez Walmart
Sara Porritt Omnicom Media Group
Jennifer Brown Jennifer Brown Consulting
The agenda included:
Panel discussions
Case study keynotes
Startup Pitch
Online Expo
Inclusivity Business Awards
We partnered with:
Learn more about the GIOF Annual Meeting 2022
and get the full report about the conference!