Beyond Diversity: Measuring Inclusion
While everyone speaks of DEI, most research and initiatives focus only on diversity. However, a company's diversity is a lagging indicator that is hard to control directly, and the focus on diversity targets causes backlash. We have developed a unique approach to measure inclusion, which provides much more meaningful data and insights, while avoiding some of the problems that arise from measuring diversity alone.
This talk presents a step-by-step process to measure inclusion and shows inclusion data collected from thousands of participants across dozens of organizations. The talk will also report the results of a project in which we established an industry-wide benchmark for the state of inclusion of women in cybersecurity, in collaboration with the professional organization WiCyS. Participants will learn all the benefits of measuring inclusion, take away detailed instructions on how to conduct similar measurements within their own organizations, and learn how measuring inclusion can lead to detailed insights and guidance to create more inclusive and diverse organizations.