GIOF Annual Meeting • May 19–26, 2022
The Largest Annual Meeting of
 the Global DEI Community

Implementing DEI principles in an agile organization

May 20, 2022 7:30 PM CET BUY TICKETS

Are agile organisations really inclusive? Surely, given the fundamental principle of “individuals and interactions over
processes and tools” and the fact that almost every agile approach embeds collaborative practices, the answer
should be yes. And yet, the lived experience of many people contradicts this. Putting these assumptions and hypotheses to the test, the Business Agility Institute undertook an ambitious, year-long, research project and heard from 500 people globally.

What we found is that there is a lack of understanding about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Many people shared their personal experiences about feeling excluded or knew of others who had been. In most cases, DEI was not part of the agile transformation designs; for either employees or customers.

In 2022, we have the opportunity to rethink our approach to DEI in agile organisations and learn from those
organizations who, as we discovered in our research, are intentionally designing their new ways of working to be
inclusive. As thought leaders and change makers, we want to share ways you can make a difference to people in your
team and create an organisation where everyone can belong. Impacting not only your employee experience but
your customers' experience and how you serve your community.

Ashay Saxena, lead researcher on the project, will present the findings of the research “Are agile organisations really
inclusive?” In the broader context, Ashay will share practical guidance on being an inclusive team member and discuss what the agile organisations need to do embrace inclusion.

Ashay Saxena Product Owner at IBM