Matteo Zallio
Senior research associate at University of Cambridge

Takes part in
May, 19 11:00 AM CET
Stage 1
Fostering inclusive design in employee’s mindset: a universal challenge
Research reported that the scarcity of awareness of inclusive design is correlated with a systemic lack of perceived value of the benefits of designing inclusively. Matteo will highlight how companies can foster inclusive design in employee’s mindsets with the Inclusive Design Canvas and will share some tips on how inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility can become part of the daily routine.
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May, 21 4:30 PM CET
Inclusive Design Canvas to Improve Work Spirit and Culture
Dr. Zallio will run a demonstration unfolding the potential of the Inclusive Design Canvas for different design teams. The Inclusive Design Canvas is a strategic design template that offers an educational springboard for design professionals to embed Inclusive Design in the design process and to build the business case for Inclusive Design.
The second will highlight the potential of the IDEA audit, a mixed-method post-occupancy evaluation system that helps professionals to collect building occupants’ data on the perception of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility.
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