GIOF Annual Meeting • May 19–26, 2022
The Largest Annual Meeting of
 the Global DEI Community
Join 2739 confirmed attendees

Rina Goldenberg LynchRina Goldenberg Lynch

Founder and CEO at Voice At The Table

Voice At The Table

Rina Goldenberg Lynch is a Founder and CEO at Voice At The Table, a leading diversity and inclusion consultancy.

Rina has 20 years of experience as a lawyer. Having started her legal career in Washington DC, she then worked as a banking lawyer with Clifford Chance LLP in London and as a Director in the legal department of ING Bank London.

During her career, Rina observed that most organisations had a dominant culture which required - directly or indirectly - every person to adapt. As a result, leaders often failed to realise the full potential of their colleagues, overlooking individual differences as strengths, leaving untapped much talent, dedication and commitment.

Having experienced this first-hand and learning how to break the corporate mould, Rina developed a passion for endowing her experience and knowledge onto other women, helping them attain sustainable career satisfaction by contributing fully and authentically. Rina mentored many women to break through their own limiting beliefs and to become agents of change for other women and colleagues. Separately, Rina also began to help her own employer to realise women's untapped
contribution by modelling how to value difference and turn it into a useful resource for the business. This was the catalyst behind Voice At The Table.

Rina talks passionately on this topic and contributes to the advancement of women by speaking to audiences across the private and public sectors, as well as schools and non-profit organisations, and is frequently asked to judge awards events honouring women’s professional achievements.

Takes part in

May, 23 2:00 PM CET

Inclusive Meeting Techniques to Maximize the Diversity of Thought

Along with learning effective techniques for holding inclusive meetings, this training will assist your future endeavors in:

  • Encouraging employees to contribute during company’s meetings
  • Learning methodology for enhancing relationships within your team
  • Owning the tools for having productive meetings
Rina Goldenberg Lynch Founder and CEO at Voice At The Table
Learn more