Sandra Quince
CEO at Paradigm for Parity

Sandra Quince is the Chief Executive Officer responsible for leading the execution of all elements of P4P’s strategic plan and is responsible for the financial, programmatic and operational performance of the organization. She works with the coalition’s co-chairs and Board of Directors to oversee and execute the organization’s strategic vision and growth plan. 131 Companies have joined the P4P coalition to date, including 40 Fortune 500 companies. Paradigm for Parity is impacting over 6.4 Million employees across 28 industries in the US and overseas.
Sandra has over 15 years of experience in Human Resources where she has driven work efforts in the areas of diversity and inclusion, talent management and development and learning across multiple organizations and industries.
Sandra serves the community through her contributions to the Executive Committee and Board for Family & Children’s Services, a leading provider of behavioral health care and family services in Tulsa; Chair of the Black Women Business Owners of America Board, a business association that supports African American women business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up foundations across the country; and a member of the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Board, a nonprofit organization for strengthening the nonprofit sector through training, consulting, advocacy, membership, networking and awards.
Takes part in
Measuring gender Equality - which numbers matter?
Most common gender equality metrics used in global corporations.
Ways to measure and influence female empowerment and job satisfaction.
How to use the combination of measurements to create a thriving work environment for all.