Silke Heinrichs
Global Diversity & Inclusion Partner at Roche
Together with a powerful team she drives the enterprise D+I agenda and brings the newly established global D+I strategy to life in a self-organized leadership set-up: Working together to advocate for inclusive and healthy ways of working where all employees feel valued, safe, and can be at their best; for a workplace that works for ALL, contributing to a more just and equitable future.
Silke studied Public Policy & Management at the University of Konstanz, Germany as well as at Warwick University in the UK. She started her career conducting social policy impact assessments for Prognos AG in Basel and spent 15 years at BASF in various HR leadership roles, e.g. Comp & Ben, HR Strategy, and D+I before joining the Roche team in 2019.
Personally, Silke is truly "glocal": She was born in Germany to German parents, spent her childhood in Brazil, her teenage in Nepal, her student years in Germany and the UK, had her daughters in the US, and now lives with her husband and two daughters in a 400-year-old house in beautiful Weinheim.
Takes part in
Measuring gender Equality - which numbers matter?
Most common gender equality metrics used in global corporations.
Ways to measure and influence female empowerment and job satisfaction.
How to use the combination of measurements to create a thriving work environment for all.