GIOF Annual Meeting • May 19–26, 2022
The Largest Annual Meeting of
 the Global DEI Community
Join 2739 confirmed attendees

Kostiantyn GridinKostiantyn Gridin

Big Idea Officer at GIOF

Kostiantyn oversees the company’s BIG IDEA project — the Global Inclusion Online Forum — which has become an integral part of the company’s diversity & inclusion consultancy practice. He was one of the initiators and organizers of the first two annual events.

Kostiantyn joined CFC Big Ideas in 2003. His primary responsibilities for the company are organizational development, operational management, HR policies, and business development strategy. A fluent speaker of Arabic, Kostiantyn has spent more than 13 years travelling around and living in the GCC countries, and now heads the company’s operations in Dubai, UAE.

Passionate about efficiency and organizational performance Kostiantyn created several management tools that have helped bring the company’s performance to a new level. Among them are unbiased hiring and humanless promotion systems, flexible remote work system, inclusive financial compensation system, and others.

Kostiantyn is a graduate of the Global Village for Future Leaders of Business and Industry program at Iacocca Institute, Lehigh University (USA). He also holds B. A. and M. A. degrees in International Economic Relations from the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). Kostiantyn was a grant recipient of the exchange program in Cairo University, Egypt.

Takes part in

May, 19 10:20 AM CET

Organizers' opening intro

Kostiantyn Gridin Big Idea Officer at GIOF
Anna Krys Head of Partnerships at GIOF
Dmytro Chernohod Head Organizer at GIOF
Learn more
May, 19 12:30 PM CET
Stage 1

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. What's wrong with percentages?

The percentage of women, black people and other discriminated minorities has been widely used by global corporations as their key indicator of diversity, equity and inclusion. In his keynote speech Kostiantyn Gridin, founder of the Global Inclusion Online Forum, will discuss ways of assessing progress and improving implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Kostiantyn Gridin Big Idea Officer at GIOF
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May, 27 2:00 PM CET

How To Eliminate Diversity Complaints

In his workshop, Kostiantyn Gridin, the founder of the Global Inclusion Online Forum and partner at CFC Big Ideas, will talk about his method for setting diversity and inclusion goals:

  • focusing on employee satisfaction rates while using demographic percentages as one of the indicators;

  • setting up a hiring system that does not allow decision makers to apply their biases;

  • setting up an automatic promotion system, based on scores and KPIs, without a need for a human decision.

As a result, the attendees of the workshop will leave the session with readiness to:

  • apply diversity and inclusion models;

  • apply inclusive hiring principles and criteria, which will give no room for candidate complaints;

  • apply the promotion system, eliminating biases and discrimination.

Kostiantyn Gridin Big Idea Officer at GIOF
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