Michalina Konkel
Director, DEI Organisational Development at Diversity Hub

Michalina is the author of many DEI strategies and international projects on leadership competencies in global organizations, certified facilitator of Leadership Development Intensive Programe. Experienced in organiational culture change process – coleader of a M&A of 3000 employees.
From 2007 she provides D&I trainings and mananging across cutlures session for leaders in ITO, BPO (eg. Coca-Cola, AON, Euroclear, Arcelor Mittal, Motorola, Fujifilm, Netia, Roche). Michalina is experienced leader of organization run fully in virtual environment SIETAR Polska. She is strongly commited to inclusive leadership, actively writing articles on LinkedIn. Focused on organisational effectiveness, her mission is to help organisations and people to grow, identify new ways of development and broadening their perspectives.