Humanity or technology - what’s the key to a more Inclusive hiring, promotion, and retention?
Perfecting protocols lead to real results. Numerous organizations have resorted to new technologies that make the applicant screening process more efficient. However, what is the protocol that the algorithm follows? How adequate are the presumptions on which our screening technology operates? As in life, so in algorithms, organizations risk overlooking non-inclusive biases spilling over into the automated processes. Moreover, as final decisions are still made by individuals, organizations must be aware that every decision made solely is inevitably affected by individual biases. Find out what problems are faced by teams around the world by unarticulated protocols, be they technological or human.
The speakers at this panel will discuss:
The role of technology in the HR decision-making process.
Candidates Evaluation Practices that foster objective decisions in the best interest of creating diverse thriving teams.
Promotion and retention policies that allow overruling of individual biases.