July 11, 2023
DEI Data Summit
  • Learn how to measure inclusion and equity, in addition to diversity, in your organization

  • Design a data-driven DEI strategy to comply with the company’s business goals

  • Stand out as an inclusive, not just diverse, workplace

Most of the corporate DEI programs in 2020–2023 were focused on increasing black and female representation rates. Reporting improved representation rates of these groups. However, companies tended to overlook other aspects of diversity, as well as equity and inclusion metrics. The issue of acquiring data for equity and inclusion remains a challenge for many organizations, as this data is far less straightforward than the objective statistics of demography and diversity. Equity and inclusion data is harder to measure, as it reflects the way people feel about and perceive their organizations.

Measuring and analyzing data is half of a successful DEI roadmap, but there are numerous obstacles, such as choosing appropriate dimensions and metrics of inclusion, privacy issues while collecting data and systematizing it. Moreover, there is no optimal solution, target or strategy for everyone.

This event is for:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion executives

  • HR executives and consultants

  • DEI experts and consultants


Jul, 11 5:30 PM CET

Quantitatively measuring inclusion to develop targeted solutions

Speaker will present a case study where a statistically validated, quantitative inclusion metric was successfully used in a large government agency to identify the specific behaviours that were affecting inclusion and exclusion, the groups that were in need of the most support, and the ways this was affecting key organisational outcomes.
Raafi-Karim Alidina Consulting Manager, Data & Product Lead at Included
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Jul, 11 6:00 PM CET

Role of data in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion

The panel will discuss a balanced approach to effectively measure all the DEI parameters and how to use this data to advance corporate DEI programs to the company’s benefit, avoiding the diversity fatigue trend. Join this panel discussion to hear solutions from the best practitioners in the field.

  • Diversity numbers: goals or indicators?

  • The rising role of inclusion and equity and how to measure the two

  • How DEI data is reshaping DEI strategies

Zeynep Ince Global Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Philip Morris International
Grace Tong Vice President and the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Practice Lead at Ipsos
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Jul, 11 6:30 PM CET

How to use talent pool data to set realistic DEI goals

In his presentation, Kostyantyn Gridin will lay out the methodology of setting realistic diversity goals and will talk about ways to create more transparency in achieving them.

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Jul, 11 7:30 PM CET

Beyond Diversity: Measuring Inclusion

This talk presents a step-by-step process to measure inclusion and shows inclusion data collected from thousands of participants across dozens of organizations. 
Paolo Gaudiano Co-founder and Chief Scientist at Aleria
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Jul, 11 8:00 PM CET

Addressing Diversity Fatigue in Data Analysis and Reporting Impacting Decision Making

This session will examine a series of simple and complex diversity data case studies, identify some of the reasons of resistance to diversity data collection, and ways to overcome these. 
Roman Ruzbacky Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Diversity Atlas
Rezza Moieni CTO and Project Director at Diversity Atlas
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Jul, 11 8:30 PM CET

Disrupting Your DEI Data: Using Qualitative Data to Unpack the Root Causes of Injustice

This case study will share results from The Winters Group's meta-analysis of equity audits across a variety of organizations and the results of their mixed-method, four-step process, as highlighted in Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change (Berrett-Koehler, 2023).
Thamara Subramanian Equity Audit and Strategy Manager at The Winters Group Inc.
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Jul, 11 9:20 PM CET

Measuring pay equity to take action on structural and implicit bias inside an organisation

Case study on pay equity analysis, where predictive analytics was used to identify pay gaps within an organization, and to accurately measure the magnitude of structural and implicit bias in pay across gender, ethnicity, and the intersectionality of various identity variables.

Olivia Nuamah Managing Director, National Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging Leader at PwC
Grace Tong Vice President and the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Practice Lead at Ipsos
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Diversity Atlas

Organizations who attended our events

MicrosoftCitiMoody'sAmazonishield.ai.ApplekyndrylJobs4refugeesEssteemWunderPeople ForceL'OréalGoogleBarillaHeadspace HealthBBCSAPGrammarlyWomen in TechThe Unmistakables

What attendees say about our events

“I indeed had my expectations really high, but it was way better than what I expected. […] I ended up after 3 h with almost 5 full pages of a notebook filled with quotes from the panelists. Connected with more than 100 people, meetings, booth fairs…”
Patricia Souza, D&I expert from Luxembourg

“Thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and all the questions — encouraged by the momentum from fellow panelists and the audience!”
Rebecca Hershey, Human Rights Campaign

“Great panel! Even as the moderator, I can’t wait to go back and listen to the recording to fully capture all the wisdom and practical insights shared by our panelists”
Bernardo Ferdman, Ferdman Consulting

“The most interactive and the most informative online event about acessibility of the last years for me. Wishing to the organizing team keep going with such level”
Roman Boreńko, Inclusive It

“This was very well organized and well run. I really enjoyed case studies on accessibility in the banking context! Kudos to organizers!”
Catherine Tunney Braeken, Director Client Accessibility at CIBC

“It has been a great experience presenting at GIOF 2022. Kudos to the team for organizing a fantastic conference!”
Ashay Saxena, Product Owner at IBM

“I have participated in many online events so far and most of them had vast technical problems or there were delays in the program, but you run GIOF very well.”
Valentina Kordi, Founder of Valentina Kordi Mindset & High-Performance Executive and Business Coach

“I think you all did an amazing job putting together this conference and I thought it was very well organized!”
Lori Samuels, Senior Director of Accessibility at NBCUniversal

“It was a pleasure to serve on the panel. I loved the level of engagement, energy, and the experience the speakers brought to the table. The facilitation of the panel was very well done! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.”
Tamar Becks, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion at CACI International Inc

“This was my first time attending the Global Inclusion Online Forum and it will not be my last. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate on the panel. It was AMAZING!”
Dr. Yetta Toliver, Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Xerox Corporation

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